Solaren Work Inquiry Form
Preferred Pronouns *
Do you have your own reliable transportation? *
Marital Status *
Were you referred by a current employee? *
Work Desired
Position(s) (Select all that apply) *
Do you have an active security license in the state of Tennessee? *
PDF, JPG, JPEG (allowed)
Which days are you NOT available to work? *
What shift(s) are you looking for? (Please use this as a general guide to shift times. These are not the precise start and end times for each shift. They are all subject to change.) *
Full time or part time? *
Uniform Information
Education - Enter The Highest Attained
Type of School
Work Experience
Have you ever served in the Military? *
Status of Discharge
Are you currently employed? *
May we contact your present employer? *
Did you complete this application yourself? *
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? *
Have you ever been employed with this company? *
Do you have any friends or relatives employed by this company? *
Notice of Digital Files & Signature
Application Waiver *
Uniform Policy *
Confidentiality Agreement, Media Notice & Non-Compete Agreement *
Equal Employment Opportunity & Sexual Harassment Policy *
Time Sheet Policy for Staff & Contractors *
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.